Gen 2

Chapter 2.2

Hello! And welcome back to my Board Game challenge! Enjoy this shot of little Elle here! I thought this was super adorable to load into lol

Oh man… I love loading into a family and realizing that we can’t afford our bills…


Let us also not forget that we also have twins……


Luna got a promotion!

Which is great! It means we can pay our bills!

Jay (right) and Kay (left) are infants now. They’re both reallllly cute!

Though, I don’t think that I’ll be saying that for the next few days with 3 freaking infants at the same time…

Not Ranch drinking toilet water…

While he’s dirty AF

…I am having a terrible time.

remind me to never have 3 infants ever again

Oh, Hi, Austin!

Thank god your here, I need help!

And thanks for the gift, Elle appreciates it

thank god it’s Elle’s birthday. I was dying with 3 infants…

We have a toddler! Just look at that smirk man… she knows my pain and that she’s part of the cause

Apparently Ranch is an elder dog now.


So we headed to the vet to buy some age down treats

Got back and immediately gave Ranch his special treat. And look at him! He’s so happy!

Soooooo, when we got back from the vet, I noticed we were missing an infant…

Well, I found her sleeping on the sidewalk…. a long way away from home…

Like… this is how far away from home she was.


Oh nooooo, poor Luna!

Three young kids are a lot of work lol

RANCH! Not the pee puddle!

Woo! Promotion! Thank you Dean!

I don’t know which dog is responsible for these (I think it’s Asparagus) but I can’t wait until this stops happening……

Oh wonderful… This is JUST what I needed today. Thanks Luna

Asparagus has fleas. More wonderful news

Hey, Luna is neat now! cool

Like mother, like daughter…

Oh! And now Dean is also neat! Interesting

It’s a good thing too… our house is a MESS

OH THANK GOD! No more infants!

And here they are after their makeovers!

And fun fact for all of you, all three of our kids aged up with the unhappy infant trait.

It’s fine, we’re all fine here…

We are just constantly surrounded by FILTH.

It’s so gross

Noooooo! Asparagus! Not our good boy!

Oh wonderful. Now Ranch is glooooooomy. Because that’s a trait that dog can have now…

Now that we have toddlers that can sorta take care of themselves, Dean had a chance to do some skill book reading!

Woo! Luna got a promotion!

Xenon! I’m sorry, but you can’t have a baby without me!

It’s FINALLY the end of the rotation from hell! It’s a bit less full of content because for a few days, I was just focused on keeping the infants in the house and not taken by Social Services lol

Should be better next time since we won’t have 3 infants to deal with lol

See ya next time!


Family Check in!

If you don’t read my MySims Legacy challenge, this is what Austin has been up! He’s married to the heir of that challenge, Riley! And they have an adorable son, Evan!

And don’t worry, Chive is still living her best life. Although, she is an elder doggo now.

3 thoughts on “Chapter 2.2”

  1. wait, dogs can get self-discovery traits now? o.o Jesús how much have I missed in this game! Lol

    Anyways, this was great as always! I’m really loving all the kids! And I also felt really, really bad for you dealing with three infants lol I still love how having toddlers nos feels like * relieved sigh* when they used to be The Worse lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. WOW, what the heck happened with Kay while you were at the vet??? I keep reading this update thinking, it’s a good thing this isn’t an ISBI. Your survived 3 infants though, and like Salem said, who would have thought we’d get to where toddlers were the “relief.” Great job, as usual!


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