Generation 1 Heir Poll

Well, we finally managed to make it to the end of generation 1! So we have an heir poll to take care of!

The theme of the next generation is Scrabble! We’ll have to learn some skills only from books! That will be a fun challenge since sims don’t WANT to learn from books lol

Well, you’re here for an heir poll, so let’s get to it!

First up is my man Dean.

Dean is my favorite and I will cry if you don’t pick him. (I’m kidding. Maybe)

Dean’s traits are slob and bookworm (which I didn’t even realize until just now lol)

He does have a little bit of a romance bar with Luna Villareal and they do have good compatibility.

Interesting fact: Dean is despised by a child named Taku Akiyama. No idea how that happened, but it’s there

Our other option is Austin.

His traits are Paranoid and Good.

He’s currently crushing on Morgan Fyres but there’s no romance bar.

Interesting Fact: He has the chopstick savvy trait, which I’m pretty sure he inherited from his dad lol

Now off you go to vote! Shoo! Happy voting!